School Lunches and Cool Milk
Our school dinners are provided by Independent Catering. There are a range of meals available and always include a vegetarian option. If a child has a dietary requirement or allergy parents are asked to let TCS know. Please see a copy of the menu below.
The price of a school meal is £2.60 and this is paid using our 'Parent Pay' app.
This will not apply to children in Hedgehogs, Robins, Woodpeckers, Kingfishers, Squirrels or Puffins classes as they will be given a free school dinner under the Government's Universal Infant Free School Meals initiative.
Children can also bring in their own packed lunch if they would like to. We do encourage healthy eating in school.
We are a 'Nut Free School'. Children are not allowed to bring in products containing nuts into school.
Free School Meals
To find out if your child is eligible for free school meals please visit the Medway information page:
Please speak to the school office if you believe you are edible for free school meals and you are unsure what to do.
Cool Milk
Children under the age of 5 are entitled to free cool milk in school every day. Once your child turns 5 you can pay for them to continue to receive milk. Please see the information below.