Online Safety
At Riverside, we take online safety seriously. Children are accessing technology regularly and the best way to keep them safe is for us to know the risks involved and to educate the children about these risks. As a school, we teach online safety through our computing lessons using resources from Purple Mash. We have termly assemblies about online safety concerns and every term, we release an online safety update with advice in the school newsletter.
Included on this page is our online safety policy, which also includes the AUA (Acceptable Use Agreements) that the children sign. There are also links to pages that you may find useful. I often find a wealth of useful resources on the websites and regularly use them in the online safety newsletter.
Online Safety Policy
Useful Websites
- Parent Zone
- Internet Matters
- CEOP's Think You Know
- ChildLine
- CEOP's advice, help and report centre Advice, Help and Report Centre
- Get Safe Online
- Internet Watch Foundation
- YouTube Safety Policy
We encourage our children to speak to an adult in school if something online makes them feel uncomfortable.
Below are some useful handouts for parents