Religious Education and Collective Worship
Religious Education at Riverside Primary School
Riverside Primary School have a curriculum which develops moral and spiritual awareness. We aim to provide opportunities for children to explore meaning and purpose to life through Christianity and other World religions.
At Riverside Primary School, our RE curriculum is supported by a planned scheme of work from Twinkl which helps to ensure all learning is taught through a variety of fun and engaging ways. This scheme is adapted to support our school. We also try to be as cross-curricular as possible and draw links between subjects where we can. We strive to allow our children to be independent learners and to show respect for others, this includes their religious beliefs so we feel that by teaching a range of faiths through RE our children will be respectful to others, regardless of their beliefs.
Children throughout Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 are taught about Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism. Key festivals, from different faiths and cultures, are celebrated throughout the year as a whole school and in classes. Children are encouraged to think about the similarities and differences between faiths and cultures. We celebrate different faiths and cultures in a cross-curricular way whether through our RE lessons, cookery, topic lessons or assemblies or even whole school theme days. In addition to this a daily act of collective worship takes place either in whole school, year group or class assemblies.
At Riverside Primary School we use the Twinkl scheme to plan from which is progressive and builds upon prior learning. By doing this we are able to deepen children’s understandings of the world we live in and be able to explore their own views and beliefs. Teachers plan to have lively, engaging lessons and through continual assessment they can plan questions that will stretch the children’s understanding and can also identify potential misconceptions or gaps in children’s learning and plan accordingly.
An Act of Parliament governs Religious Education. Parents can withdraw their children from R.E. or collective worship by writing to the Headteacher.
At Riverside Primary School, we believe that through our teaching of R.E. children will extend their knowledge and understanding of religions and beliefs and begin to offer their own thoughtful and informed insights into religious and non-religious views of life’s meaning and purpose.
Throughout Key Stage One and Two children will develop a knowledge and understanding of different religions; gain an understanding and appreciation of ultimate questions and become better able to clarify and develop their own informed worldviews and to express their own views on the matters and issues encountered.
The impact upon our children is that they will be able to appreciate the importance of religion in the lives of many people, consider their own beliefs, values and attitudes and grow in understanding of the influence of belief on behaviour, values and attitudes. It is hoped that by teaching a wide range of religious customs and beliefs we are breaking down the walls of prejudice and teaching our pupils how to be respectful which is one of the British Values and is very important within our school community.