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At Riverside Primary School, we provide a high-quality history education taught though a cross-curricular, topic-based approach. We are determined that alongside historical knowledge, there will be a high focus on the development of specific historical skills. The teaching of history in our school is intended to equip pupils to ask perceptive questions about the past, analyse evidence, think critically, appreciate different perspectives and develop informed judgements. We believe our pupils should be taught to understand how Britain has influenced and been influenced by the wider world. 


Our History curriculum covers the skills outlined in the National Curriculum through broad, challenging and inspiring topics. A cross-curricular, topic-based approach is used to deliver the content within a meaningful context and wherever possible links are made with the Geography curriculum, British values and our school values.  Throughout KS1 and KS2, Children are taught about chronology and specific historical events. Understanding of chronology begins in Reception, where the children learn about the past, present and future. By the end of KS2, the children have a solid grasp of when certain historical events occurred and where they fit on a timeline. Curriculum overviews ensure coverage of both the required knowledge and the subject specific skills. Individual sessions are planned to inspire, engage and challenge pupils in response to their needs. Pupils are encouraged to think like historians and develop their skills including historical enquiry. 


During Key Stage 1: Topics taught include learning about a range of famous people in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements.  These are chosen carefully to ensure pupils learn about individuals of both genders and from diverse backgrounds.  Other topics consist of changes within living memory and events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally.  Lessons follow a format where a recap on previous learning is conducted, with questioning to gage children’s understanding and star word are used.  The new topic is then introduced, using various resources to ensure engaging lessons.  Teachers have autonomy to use resources they feel provide the highest level of education along with the use of artefacts, videos, visitors, school trips and role play. 


In Key Stage 2: The National Curriculum for History outlines that pupils should continue to develop chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of British, local and world history, establishing clear narratives within and across the periods they study. At Riverside, we study a range of periodic times in History including the Stone Age, the Romans and the Celts.  


History formative assessment is ongoing to inform teachers with their planning, lesson activities and any necessary adaptations to ensure inclusivity. History is monitored throughout all year groups using a variety of strategies, such as book monitoring, lesson observations and pupil interviews to discuss learning and establish the impact.  The impact of the History curriculum at Riverside can be seen through: 

  • Evidence that our children have shown progress and attainment in line with the National Curriculum 

  • Our children demonstrate enthusiasm for the subject and can talk with confidence about history 

  • Our children demonstrate an understanding of a range of historical vocabulary which can be applied confidently 

  • Gain historical perspective by placing their growing knowledge into different contexts 

  • As historians, our children can use their skills to pose questions, evaluate evidence and draw conclusions 


There are many ways you can support your child's learning in History 

Some useful website links:


Look at this website for Key stage 1 topics and video clips: 


Key stage 2: