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Art at Riverside is inclusive of all children. By studying art all children can develop visual thinking and creativity which allows our children to make a personal response to the world and to communicate that response to others. Children's creativity in art is developed through increasing knowledge and understanding of artists and techniques, as well as investigating and making their own art work, developing skills through a range of media.



Art helps develop skills across the curriculum and can enrich teaching and learning of other subjects through our cross curricular approach. Children use a range of materials and tools for art, including ICT. They experience both 2D and 3D art and develop an appreciation of art throughout history. They are encouraged to review and improve their work to produce high quality art work. The school shows the value placed on the work by displaying it as much as possible. Art is also used to support emotional well being and sessions such as "Talking and Drawing" are used to support children's mental health and promote positive behaviour. Links through the Trust provides support from specialist secondary teachers and opportunities for staff training.



Children's knowledge, skills and understanding of artistic techniques can be evidenced throughout their time at Riverside. In KS2 children's sketch books are used as evidence of progression, as well as final pieces used in displays, photos in learning books, work displayed at the Summer Exhibition and through the "Masters in Art" display board. We use "The Learning Challenge Curriculum" resources by Focus Education to ensure coverage and progression between year groups and across Key Stages.